2020 Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies: Coming to a Successful Conclusion
The Chinese Language Program is pleased to announce that the Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies (UCCS 2020), held asynchronously from December 3 to 24, has concluded after a 3-week period of Canvas sessions. A fledgling undergraduate forum at UBC, UCCS 2020 invited young scholars to present new research, engage in discussions, and help build a […]

Through our lenses: Our Online Lives
With the transition to online school came many changes to each of our daily routines, from sleep cycles to study habits to classroom etiquette. The Chinese Language Program recently started a series on our Instagram story, titled “Our Online Life”, where our beloved professors, TA’s, and students share bits of their new lifestyles with everyone. […]

Chinese Fun Night 2020: The CLP Plays Among Us!
This past Friday, November 20th, the Chinese Language Program held their first online game night. Over forty students and TAs from the program were in attendance, playing with nine instructors…most of who had previously never played online games before! There’s no better way to help students feel closer with their teachers than to see them […]

UCCS 2020 Coming Soon: 3-24 December 2020
UBC’s Chinese Language Program Presents: Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies (UCCS) Date December 3-24, 2020 Platform Canvas UCCS website The Chinese Language Program in the Department of Asian Studies, UBC, is pleased to announce that the Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies (UCCS) is to be held on Canvas from 3 to 24 December, 2020. A […]

Chinese One Minute – How to confess to your crush
In modern Chinese culture, November 11 is unofficially known as “Singles’ Day”, or 光棍节 (literally, bare sticks day, named because the date 11/11 resembles four solitary sticks). This day is meant to celebrate those who are living the single life, a direct opposite of Valentine’s Day on February 14th. This day has become known for […]

Recap of Chinese Language Talk: Immersing Yourself in the Mandarin Language
The UBC Department of Asian Studies collaborated with the Chinese Language Program to host their second webinar in the “Asian Language Talk” series on Thursday, October 8th. The event introduced UBC’s offering of Mandarin language courses, introduced overseas work and education opportunities in major Chinese cities, and discussed how Mandarin is utilized, not just in […]

CHIN 474 (471+473) Later Classical Chinese Poetry (Intensive)
学生优秀作品展: → 2020W CHIN471《海上杏梁》 → 2020S CHIN474《瑰园梦忆》 → CHIN474课程介绍 (CHIN474结合了CHIN471和CHIN473两门课的内容) CHIN471学生优秀作品展——《海上杏梁》 上个学期,中文471课程的同学们利用课余时间,用自己的方式从不同的视角来展现对唐诗的喜爱。寒假期间,黄子燕、马涵秋、黄欣心、徐若玺和吴天琪同学密切合作,把同学们的作品汇编成了《海上杏梁》。 在这里,你会看到中文471课程的同学们对唐诗作品的重塑解读、视觉化诠释与独立创作;每一条涓涓细流终将汇成大河,它沉沉的眉心,开着花朵。 ——《海上杏梁》卷首语 → 附往届CHIN471学生创作、编辑而成的精彩作品集网站:《海上杏梁》 2020W CHIN471《海上杏梁》网站首页 Image by 黄子燕、马涵秋、黄欣心、徐若玺和吴天琪 CHIN474学生优秀作品展——《瑰园梦忆》 2020S CHIN474《瑰园梦忆》网站首页 Image by Yuxue Zhang, Ziheng Zhao, and Sirui Bi CHIN474 Later Classical Chinese Poetry (Intensive) Scroll down for the English Version! CHIN474 Later Classical Chinese Poetry (Intensive) 是UBC中文项目在每年暑期专门开设的六学分、满足文学院文学课学分要求(Arts faculty literature requirement)的课程。古典诗歌在中华文明五千年的历史长河中熠熠生辉,是中华文明宝库中灿烂的瑰宝,是中华文化在大千世界上独特的名片。它以极其简练、形象的语言生动地描绘了一幅幅色彩明丽、动静相宜的画面,创设了深邃幽美的意境,表达了感人至深的情思与感叹。CHIN474课程的核心便是自唐朝起直到清朝的重点诗篇,让身处异国他乡的学生从诗词的视角重新审视中华文化,感受其博大辉煌的精神内核,领略泱泱华夏的经典之美,弘扬传统民族文化。选修本课程的学生需具备熟练运用口头和书面中文的能力,需通过UBC中文项目的分班问卷调查得到许可后注册(> Placement […]