Learning from Laughter: Happiness and Curiosity Keeps You Exploring
Learning a language is a source of excitement and immense fun. The decision to take Chinese classes is often simple, although navigating the complex web of language and literature learning is certainly not so. How does one keep motivated? How can Chinese serve my future? What can one do […]
My Generation, My Love: A Multimedia Contest Recap
《我的年代、我的愛情》徵文、獨白及短片創作比賽 Simple yet profound, universal yet deeply personal, love comes in all sorts of shapes and forms. Chinese Language Program students showed just how varied something as universal as love can be in this year’s “My Generation, My Love: A Multimedia Contest.” On February 13th, the Cantonese Language Program, in collaboration with the Chinese […]
One Wish, One Dish Showcase: A Lunar New Year Celebration
Lunar New Year is one of the most significant holidays in many Asian societies, as it marks the end of winter and beginning of spring. This year, the holiday was celebrated on February 12th, when families usually gather to spend time together, wear red, and watch the fireworks. This year, the Chinese Language Program, Cantonese […]
Learning to Question: Chia-ying Yeh and Minsheng Scholarship Winner Yuxin Guo
Back home in Beijing last December 19, 2020, third-year UBC student Yuxin Guo received a pleasant surprise: she was one of 15 winners of the Excellence Award (优秀奖) for the Chia-ying Yeh and Minsheng Scholarship. Among the 15 winners, Yuxin is the only student who hails from a North American university. The scholarship was started […]
Behind the Success of the Chinese Language Program: 2021 Volunteer Training Workshop Recap
Fellow instructors, TAs, WorkLearns, and volunteers posing for a group photo. Behind the success of one of North America’s largest, most comprehensive Chinese language programs is a huge team of very capable volunteers. These volunteers form the backbone of UBC’s Chinese Language Program, helping mentor hundreds of avid Chinese learners through the CLP’s oral language […]
The Virtual Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning Workshop brought instructors from the Chinese and Cantonese Language Programs together along with special guests from both programs, the Centre for Community-Engaged Learning, and various individuals from well-known Canadian universities. In an engaging day of discussions, they sought to broaden the horizons of the Chinese Language Program and expand […]
One Small Community, Diverse Connections: Chinese Volunteer Appreciation Team Building 2020
Publish date: Jan 18, 2021 December marked the end of 2020, but wherever there is an end, there is a beginning… Although 2020 has been a challenging year, making us feel isolated from time to time, a new community emerged in the Chinese Language Program (CLP), connecting our students, volunteers, TAs and professors! Everyone shaking […]
2020 Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies: Coming to a Successful Conclusion
The Chinese Language Program is pleased to announce that the Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies (UCCS 2020), held asynchronously from December 3 to 24, has concluded after a 3-week period of Canvas sessions. A fledgling undergraduate forum at UBC, UCCS 2020 invited young scholars to present new research, engage in discussions, and help build a […]
Let’s Celebrate Our Achievements And The New Year Together! The holidays are among us and Chinese Lunar New Year is right around the corner too. The Chinese Language Program is hoping to bring people together for the festive seasons—to hear each other’s voices and feel a sense of community. As an encouraging learning community, we’ve […]
Through our lenses: Our Online Lives
With the transition to online school came many changes to each of our daily routines, from sleep cycles to study habits to classroom etiquette. The Chinese Language Program recently started a series on our Instagram story, titled “Our Online Life”, where our beloved professors, TA’s, and students share bits of their new lifestyles with everyone. […]