For instructions regarding volunteer registration, please visit the 2024 Winter Term 2 Volunteer Recruitment page.
UBC Chinese Language Program
Student Volunteer Bonus Mark Policy (Updated in December 2024, applicable to 2024 Winter Term 2) * In case of discrepancy, the English version shall prevail as the official authoritative version. The Chinese translations are provided for reference purposes only and are not definitive translations of the original English texts. Any students who are volunteering for the Chinese Language Program (CLP) during the current term are eligible for bonus marks added to an applicable CHIN-titled course in the given term. If a volunteer is enrolled in more than one applicable CHIN-titled course this term, all bonus marks will be added to one CHIN course of their choice. Please see the link below for details. Chinese Language Program Student Volunteer Bonus Mark Policy |
Should you have any questions or concerns about volunteering for the Chinese Language Program, please email Volunteer Management Team at