
Learning a Foreign Language with a Little Help from the Local Community

Reposted from: Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology How the Department of Asian Studies transformed its undergraduate Chinese language program Learning a foreign language is a great way to discover a different way to think, view and describe the world around us. But what is the point of studying if you cannot verbally interact with […]




Forming New Connections: Chinese Language Program’s Imagine UBC Day

As the biggest back-to-school event on campus, Imagine UBC provided students with opportunities to bond with peers and professors, building a community where everyone celebrates imaginative power to maximize the student experience. Enthusiasm and excitement about UBC learning opportunities in the new academic year burst onto the Imagine UBC Day activities held by the department […]





叶嘉莹民生奖学金 评选申报通知 叶嘉莹,1924年出生于北京书香世家。她融贯中西,是誉满海内外的中国古典文学权威学者,是推动中华诗词在海内外传播的杰出代表。“继驼庵之诗话而别开生面,启桃李之芳园而香远益清”,她以全新的视角,以哲学和美学的角度,对中国诗词境界进行了高度概括;她是将西方文论引入古典文学从事比较研究的杰出学者,其诗论新意迭出,别开境界,在我国学术界产生了重大影响,被誉为“当代古典诗词研究领域的第一人”;她从事教育事业七十余年,培养了一大批中国传统文化和古典文学的人才,深受学生爱戴;数十年来,她一边教书育人,一边从事研究,为传播中国文化作出了重要贡献。千年传灯,岁月成诗,如今叶先生已成为在海内外传授中国古典诗词时间最长、弟子最多、成就最高、影响最大的华人学者。 叶嘉莹民生奖学金,由北京民生中国书法公益基金会于2019年设立,旨在鼓励青年才俊研究中国古典诗词、传承优秀传统文化,以叶嘉莹先生的诗词人生与学术思想为典范,海内外弘扬中华诗教。 一、报名范围 北京大学、北京师范大学、南开大学、武汉大学、四川大学、台湾大学、台湾辅仁大学、加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学共八所院校的全日制在读学生(本科生、硕士生、博士生)。 * 历届获奖学生请勿再次投稿   二、奖金 本奖学金在符合相关高校和科研机构关于奖学金评审的基本原则下,以申请者所具备的古典诗词诵、写、讲能力作为评定依据,每年选出15位获奖者。 特等奖:6位获奖者,每位获奖者奖金3万元人民币(税前) 优秀奖:9位获奖者,每位获奖者奖金1万元人民币(税前)   三、申请材料 1. 申请人需填写奖学金《申请表》(Word电子版)。文件请命名为:“申请表-姓名”。 2. 自选一首古代经典诗词作品,诵读(包括朗诵、吟诵或结合音乐的演绎)并讲解的视频(视频横屏录制,格式为MP4,视频清晰度不低于720P,图像、声音清晰,不抖动、无噪音,文件大小不超过700MB。视频开头须注明作品名称、学校、姓名等信息)。 3. 一篇完全独立完成,符合学术规范的论文(Word和PDF版本)。可以提交已在书刊、网络等媒体上发表的论文,但不能提交整篇的学士、硕士学位论文或整部的博士学位论文,也不能提交合作撰写或合作署名的论文。本科生提交的论文须4000字以上,硕士、博士研究生提交的论文须7000字以上,30000字以内。严禁抄袭。文件请命名为:“题目-姓名”。 4. 申请人需提供两封专家推荐信,内容包括对申请人品德、所提交视频和论文的评价(原件扫描PDF版)。文件请命名为:“专家推荐信-推荐人姓名”。 5. 申请人在读证明,由所在院系办公室盖章(原件扫描PDF版)。文件请命名为:“在读证明-姓名”。 6. 鼓励担任北京民生中国书法公益基金会学术活动志愿者(原件扫描PDF版)。文件请命名为:“志愿者-姓名”。 7. 鼓励提交申请人参与公益活动的证明材料,例如参与公益、支教、救助、志愿者、捐资助、勤工俭学或受公益相关活动表彰等材料(原件扫描PDF版)。   四、评选程序 本奖学金设评选委员会,包括奖学金工作委员会和奖学金学术委员会。 奖学金工作委员会由上述高校和科研机构相关在职教师担任,推动、鼓励和汇总所在院校学生申请,并由工作委员会以开会无记名投票的方式决定初选名单,同时决定拟获奖候选人面试名单。 奖学金学术委员会由中华传统文化民生奖学金工作委员会部分成员及设奖单位、相关院校代表组成,以开会无记名投票方式面试决定特等奖获得者、优秀奖获得者。 以上评审的具体过程,依中华传统文化民生奖学金评审实施办法执行。   五、报名 请将申请材料第1-7项,发送到邮箱。 邮件名称请备注好“申请第四届奖项-学校-姓名-联系电话”,如“申请第四届叶奖-南开大学-刘XX-18500000000”。 报名时间: 自2022年7月15日12时起,至2022年10月31日下午5时,中国时间   六、公布评审结果及颁奖时间 初定2022年12月公布评审结果。颁奖时间另行通知。   七,版权 对于收到的申奖作品,北京民生中国书法公益基金会保留有结集出版、网络宣传等使用权益。




2022 BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest for Chinese Language Learners in Post-Secondary Institutions

Do you want to showcase your unique talents? Do you want to take on the challenge to share your love for Chinese through songs? Come and participate in this singing contest where you can have a lot of fun and develop a deeper passion for learning Chinese! 想要展示你的歌唱才华吗?想要分享你对汉语学习的热情吗?快来参加今年的BC “Chinese Bridge” 歌唱比赛吧!   在 Instagram 查看这篇帖子 […]




Our Community’s Reciprocal Empowerment Will Inspire You To Thrive: TAWLs’ Successful Experiences in the Chinese Language Program

Oftentimes, when students take Mandarin classes with the Chinese Language Program (CLP), they find heartwarming connections with the Chinese culture and community that they are learning from. Behind the thriving program which has brought inspiration to so many students, is a meticulous and dedicated team of professors, Teaching Assistants and Worklearns (TAWLs) who strive to […]




Boundaries Transcended: Recap of the 2022 Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies 3MT Competition

Co-hosted by both the Chinese Language Program of UBC’s Department of Asian Studies and the UBC Student Association of Sinology, the Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies 3-Minute Thesis Competition (hereafter UCCS 3MT 2022) was held at the UBC Asian Centre Auditorium with a live Zoom broadcast on April 1, 2022. As a burgeoning academic forum, […]




Lanterns Lighted, Poetry Revived: Recap of the 2022 Chinese Language Program Lantern Festival Poetry Event

Over the past three months, the 2022 UBC Lantern Festival Poetry Event organized by the Chinese Language Program (CLP) attracted significant attention and achieved great success. Held for the fifth time, the event this year showcased 102 artworks related to Chinese poetry submitted by CLP students, and shared 20 multilingual presentations by distinguished guest speakers […]




Culminating Collaboration and Sustained Growth – The 2022 Chinese Language Program Student Employee Appreciation Event

As the end of term draws near, members of the Chinese Language Program (CLP) came together over Zoom to celebrate the remarkable contributions of its exceptional teaching assistants, Work Learn assistants, and volunteers. All of them have worked tirelessly to help Chinese language learners improve their language proficiency and intercultural communication through various co-curricular and […]




Alumni Spotlight – Liam Bates’s Roadmap to Success via Cultural Curiosity

Liam Bates, an alumnus of the UBC Chinese Language Program (CLP), was a student eager to learn about the world outside his bubble. While at the CLP, he dedicated himself to his studies, going beyond his comfort zone and treating challenges as learning opportunities for personal growth. Inspired by his studies at the CLP, Liam […]




2022 Asian Studies Annual Careers Night

The Department of Asian Studies is delighted to invite you to our annual Careers Night! Navigating life after graduation can be hard, so each year we bring in alumni with diverse experiences – at home and in Asia – to inform and inspire current students. This event will feature a panel discussion and a round-robin […]
