Constructing a Poetic World Lecture by UBC Students
诗情共赏:面向社会的UBC大学生中国古典诗歌讲座 言简意丰、以情动人 — 故事在诗词中的妙用 Charms of Storied Association: Artful Use of Anecdotes in Poems Poster graphic design/illustration: Ellen Gu 时间 Time: 2021年12月1号,星期三,下午3点到4点 15:00 – 16:00, Wednesday, December 01, 2021 PST 报告人 Speakers: 刘学顺(Xueshun Liu)、尚远菲(Yuanfei Shang)、詹文涵(Lumos Zhan) 地点 Buchanan B215 Zoom: Meeting ID: 695 5553 8033 Passcode: 988116
A Panel to Their Heart: Promoting Mental Wellness among Heritage Mandarin Learners
There is no better time to focus on mental wellbeing than during a time of global seclusion. The Chinese Language Program (CLP) at UBC always attaches great importance to its students’ mental health and wellness, constituting a positive learning community that consistently supports its Mandarin learners. This October, the CLP hosted a panel titled “A […]
2021 BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest for Learners of Chinese in Post-Secondary Institutions
Do you want to showcase your unique talents? Do you want to take on the challenge to share your love for Chinese through songs? Come and participate in this singing contest where you can have a lot of fun and develop a deeper passion for learning Chinese! 想要向大家展示你的才华吗?想要通过歌唱来表达你对汉语的热爱吗?快来参加今年的歌唱比赛吧,享受比赛的乐趣,加深对汉语的感情! 在 Instagram 查看这篇帖子 UBC Chinese […]
2021 Online Game Night
2021 中文奇妙游戏夜 🎮 Poster graphic design/illustration: Ellen Gu Time: 7:00 PM PST, November 19th, Friday Open to: CHIN 131, 133, and 231 students ONLY Zoom link: Click here for the Zoom link (Meeting ID: 670 3107 3057; Passcode: 169057) Purpose: This year, we have prepared a whole night of exciting edutainments and will invite non-heritage […]
A Creative and Interactive Mid-Autumn Celebration: Recapping the “2021 Virtual Mooncake Maker with Your Own Works” Event
Traditionally, the Mid-Autumn Festival marks an occasion for reunion with family members. Mooncakes, the conventional food for the festival, are a symbol of family reunion. This year, to create an immersive experience of both the Mid-Autumn Festival and its associated food cultures online, the UBC Chinese Language Program held the “2021 Virtual Mooncake Maker with […]
To Think and to Transcend: Introducing the UBC Student Association of Sinology, a Newly Constituted UBC AMS Club
Inspired by the first Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies (UCCS) in 2020, the UBC Student Association of Sinology (USAS), or UBC 漢學社 in Chinese, was established as a platform for promoting undergraduate research on China-related topics and issues. In September 2021, the Society joined UBC Alma Mater Society (AMS) and was constituted as an AMS […]
Templating Chinese Literature: The TLEF Template Project for Chinese Literature Courses at the Chinese Language Program
At the core of a Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) project lie the eight Canvas templates that Dr. Xiaowen Xu and her team designed for the literature courses at the Chinese Language Program. Overall, the project aims to enhance students’ learning experience in Chinese literature courses via sustainable Canvas templates that cater for their […]
Cultivating Dedication in the Chinese Language Program: The 2021 Volunteer and TAWL Training Workshop Recap
The pandemic may have separated students from each other, but it has reinforced their awareness of the importance of mutual support and strengthened their connections. Indeed, the pandemic in no way hinders students’ passion for joining the Chinese Language Program (CLP) as Volunteers and TAWLs, all of whom are dedicated to enhancing the flourishing of […]
UBC 汉学论坛 2022 征稿启事
UBC UCCS 2022 Call For Paper Major Dates Abstract Submission Deadline 摘要提交截止日期: Saturday, January 15, 2022 → Self-nomination Link 报名链接 Virtual Competition (Semi-finals): February 01-28, 2022, Canvas Announcement of Finalists: March 01, 2022 In-person Competition (Final): April 01, 2022, Asian Centre Auditorium, UBC Undergraduate students at UBC are invited to submit abstracts for the UBC […]
Constructing a Poetic World Lecture by UBC Students
诗情共赏:面向社会的UBC大学生中国古典诗歌讲座 Poster graphic design/illustration: Ellen Gu 一首诗有多少哈姆雷特?我们研读中国古典诗歌的方法 How Many Hamlets are there in One Poem?–Our Approach to Classical Chinese Poetry 时间 Time: 10月14号(星期四)上午10点 Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 报告人 Speakers: 刘学顺(Xueshun Liu)、古璇(Xuan Gu)、徐西晋(Elina Xu) Zoom: Meeting ID: 667 9287 6369 Passcode: 751905