
2018 Chinese Fun Night

On Monday, October 1st, The Chinese Language Program hosted their annual Chinese Fun Night event. The event was brought together by the Non-Heritage Chinese learners, TA, Work Learn (WL), faculty members and volunteers. It was a very successful event to start off the program’s first event of the new school year.




2018 BC Chinese Bridge Mandarin Speech Contest

On Saturday, March 17, the annual “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Speech Contest was held in downtown Vancouver at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). The speech contest was organized by the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Vancouver and this annual event congregated university and college students all across the province of British Columbia. It promoted multiculturalism as the contestants all came from different cultural backgrounds and all strived to learn the Chinese language. Participating institutions include UBC, SFU, UVic, BCIT and many other universities and colleges.




2018 UBC Lantern Festival Chinese Poetry Gala

On Monday, March 5th, the Chinese Language Program hosted the 2018 UBC Lantern Festival Chinese Poetry Gala to celebrate the traditional festival in the Asian Centre. This was the first time the Chinese Language Program hosted a Chinese classical poetry-themed event, and it was a great success.




2018 Lunar New Year Celebration – Year of the Dog

In Chinese tradition, poetry has consistently been held in extremely high regard, often providing a format and a forum for both public and private expressions of deep emotion. In addition, poems reveal the inner life of their composers to an audience of peers, readers, and scholars. Sponsored by the Department of Asian Studies, the UBC Chinese Poetry Society (UCPS) will offer a series of lectures to help its members master the basic skills of composing Chinese metrical poems, and promote excellence in reading and appreciation of Chinese poetry as well.




UBC 2018 Lantern Festival Poetry Gala

UBC 2018 上元诗会




2018 Lunar New Year — 十犬十美 旺福佳年

The Department of Asian Studies will hold the annual Lunar New Year Celebration on February 9th, 2018 starting from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at in the Asian Centre Auditorium.




UBC Students Won 7 Prizes in 2017 BC“Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest for University Students

On November 4th, 2017, the BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest for university students was a complete success! The BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest is one of the biggest annual events and a big stage for non-heritage students who are interested in learning the Chinese language or to demonstrate proficiency in Chinese as a second language.




BC Chinese Bridge Singing Contest

On November 4th, 2017, the BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest for university students was a complete success! The BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest is one of the biggest annual events and a big stage for non-heritage students who are interested in learning the Chinese language or to demonstrate proficiency in Chinese as a second language.




2017 BC Chinese Bridge Singing Contest

On November 4th, 2017, the BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest for university students was a complete success! The BC “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing Contest is one of the biggest annual events and a big stage for non-heritage students who are interested in learning the Chinese language or to demonstrate proficiency in Chinese as a second […]
