TAIWAN – Learning Chinese in a Living Classroom in Taiwan | CHIN234

Application Deadline: December 6, 2018

Program dates: July 8 to August 16, 2019

Credits Granted:

CHIN 234 | 6 credits

(equivalent to CHIN 231 + CHIN 233)

All qualifying students will receive a $1000 Go Global Award and an $800 (approximately) scholarship from the Ministry of Education (MoE) in Taiwan.

Info sessions:

Wednesday, October 31

1pm at UBC Life Building(old SUB) Multipurpose room

Friday, November 9

12pm at UBC Life Building(old SUB) Multipurpose Room

For more detailed information please visit:


About the course

This course is led by Hsiang-ning Sunnie Wang.An overseas language course involves learning not only the language but also the culture, both spoken and unspoken, of the people who speak that language daily and the ways they live and think. CHIN234 is a six-week intensive Chinese language course designed to help you develop and apply your Chinese language skills while being immersed in the unique environment of Taiwan and interacting with local people.
***You will receive 3 credits from UBC and 3 transfer credits from National Taiwan Normal University***
Language Learning
Through this study-abroad language course, you will establish a solid foundation for continuing to develop your Chinese language proficiency and accuracy. As a participant, you will learn to communicate with native Chinese speakers, sharing on such topics as family, school, travel, and sports, as well as to function in society by asking for directions, ordering in restaurants, negotiating public transportation, and making friends. You will also learn practical knowledge such as how to rent an apartment and seek needed medical attention, which can help you in your future travel and living experiences in Chinese-speaking societies and communities.During the first 3 weeks (week 1 – 3), we will learn the materials of CHIN231. The last 3 weeks (week 4 – 6) will cover the materials of CHIN233. A detailed weekly schedule will be provided to you every Saturday noon before each incoming week.

About the experience

Self-learning and Collaborative Learning
Studying in an overseas program can be linguistically, physically and culturally challenging, but it will help you gain invaluable life skills, personal growth, and intercultural competency. Aside from learning from people in Taiwan, you will greatly benefit from your own reflections and also learn from your colleagues who walk beside you throughout these six weeks. Your cooperation with and support for each other will be the best way to survive in, make the best use of, and enjoy a different life and culture.
A typical day might include:
Working hard. In order to help you advance your language competency in 6 weeks, you should expect an intensive course schedule and compressed workload during weekdays. However, you will have a few long weekends to explore the diverse culture of Taiwan on your own.Playing hard. This course includes a range of extra-curricular activities, such as local cultural workshops, site visits, art performances, and craft activities, local family visits, and outdoor activities. These unique activities will help you to understand Taiwan from within and appreciate the diversity of perspectives among its people as well as its history, geography, traditional and popular culture, and economics.Being supported and supportive. You will receive learning support from our excellent instructor team composed of UBC faculty, local professional teacher assistants, and friendly language partners. You are also expected to collaborate with and support the people you work with.
Introduction to Taipei
Taipei, which literally means “north of Taiwan,” is one of Asia’s most exciting, diverse, and friendly metropolises. The city is Taiwan’s largest city as well as it’s economic, political and cultural center. It is also home to one of the tallest skyscrapers and one of the most convenient public transportation systems in the world. You can visit Taipei’s historical sites and enjoy walking through the city easily in one day by a well-planned network of subways and buses. Also, It also takes only a few hours by high-speed rail to visit other cities or find yourself in the simplicity and beauty of Taiwan’s country-side. When staying in Taipei, a late-night city, you can also visit lively books stores, vibrant marketplaces, and a multitude of restaurants serving delicious food 24-7.

General timeline

This course will take place in Taipei, Taiwan, from July 8th – August 16th, 2019 .Prior to your time in the field, you will be required to attend pre-departure sessions in Vancouver.
Program dates – July 8 to August 16, 2019


To be accepted for this Global Seminar, you have to meet both program-specific requirements as well as Go Global’s general eligibility.
Program-specific requirements
This course is specifically designed for students who have completed basic Chinese language courses (CHIN131 and CHIN133) at UBC or have acquired equivalent language competency. You can also be admitted in this course with permission from the course instructor.