CHIN 231

Non-Intensive Basic Chinese II – Part I (for non-heritage students)

CHIN 231 (3 credits) (4hrs/week)

Feeling good about being able to understand Chinese? Why not more? CHIN 231 is a continuation of CHIN 133. The course aims to build up more complex language syntax while incorporating real-life scenarios. By the end of the course, students should be able to give a short speech about their daily lives and comprehend most of the essential aspects of modern Chinese grammar. The course also incorporates oral practice with Chinese native speakers to help students experience a face to face conversation.

This course corresponds with the ACTFL Intermediate-Low Level Language Proficiency.

Textbook : Integrated Chinese (Simplified Character 3rd Edition) Level 1, Part 2

Prerequisite : CHIN 133, 134 or equivalent

Placement interview : required (except for continuing students with advancement approval from previous class)

Continued Area of Study : CHIN 233

Summer 2024
No CHIN course(s) were found for S2024 term.

CHIN231 Students —> Progress to CHIN233

You have two choices for CHIN233, i.e. in Winter Term 2 2020-2021 or in Summer Term 2 2021.
  • 1st choice: CHIN233 in Winter Term 2
    • All three sections of CHIN233 next term are almost all full. If you wish to register but the course is full, please register in the corresponding waitlist course and contact the instructor. We usually try our very best to accommodate students’ registration needs.
Summer 2024
No CHIN course(s) were found for S2024 term.
  • 2nd choice: CHIN233 in Summer Term 2, 2021
    • Please note that summer CHIN233 is the second part of CHIN234 (=CHIN231+CHIN233).
    • CHIN234 is a six-week six-credit intensive course. If you intend to take CHIN233 in the summer, you will be joining the rest of the CHIN234 students for the second three-week period of their course. The class will meet four times a week, four hours a day, with the exact same instructional hours as a regular winter course. The course is intensive because you are earning the same amount of credits within a very short period of time, i.e. six credits for CHIN234 in six weeks and three credits for CHIN233 in three weeks.
    • Please note that if you have finished CHIN231 this term, you canNOT register for CHIN234. Please register in CHIN233 in summer term 2 2021. Course is scheduled and confirmed to be offered.