CHIN 415

Non-Intensive Basic Chinese I – Part I (for non-heritage students)

CHIN 415 (3 credits) (3hrs/week)

In this age of accelerated usage of media and the internet, the importance of social media of all kinds is self-evident. This course will introduce students to a range of significant social, cultural, political, and economic issues of contemporary Chinese-speaking societies through different types of media, such as films, TV shows, and advertisements. CHIN415 combines language learning with media information. This course encourages  students to research for significant news, analyze the contents and data received, as well as to apply the Chinese language flexibly in various situations with the information they have obtained.

Textbook : Integrated Chinese (Simplified Character 3rd Edition) Level 1, Part 1

Prerequisite : CHIN 347

Placement interview : required 

Continued Area of Study : CHIN 133 (except for continuing students with advancement approval from previous class)

Summer 2024
No CHIN course(s) were found for S2024 term.

CHIN415 –> Progress to CHIN437 or CHIN443 with instructor permission

CHIN415 is a stand-alone course without a paired course in term 2. With permission from CHIN437 or CHIN443 instructors, you can take CHIN437 or CHIN443 in Winter Term 2, 2020-2021. Scroll down to CHIN435 and CHIN441 to see course information.