Student Spotlight

Poetic Empathy Across Time: 2021 Chia-ying Yeh & Minsheng Scholarship Winner Liu Xinyuan
Liu Xinyuan, a 3rd-year Asian Language & Culture (Chinese Literature) major and Visual Arts minor at UBC, recently won the 2021 Chia-ying Yeh & Minsheng Scholarship, who was also the only recipient hailing from a university in North America. The scholarship was founded by UBC’s very own Professor Emerita Chia-ying Yeh along with the Minsheng […]

Learning to Question: Chia-ying Yeh and Minsheng Scholarship Winner Yuxin Guo
Back home in Beijing last December 19, 2020, third-year UBC student Yuxin Guo received a pleasant surprise: she was one of 15 winners of the Excellence Award (优秀奖) for the Chia-ying Yeh and Minsheng Scholarship. Among the 15 winners, Yuxin is the only student who hails from a North American university. The scholarship was started […]

Bridging Life and Language: Mandarin Speech Contestant Spotlight — Laura Lee
This year, the 2020 “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Speech Contest took place online with the theme of “one world, one family”. Korean-Canadian fourth-year student Laura Lee was chosen to represent British Columbia in this global competition. Laura took her first Mandarin class at UBC, and is now majoring in Chinese Language and Culture, as well as […]

Finding My Identity | Student Spotlight: Matthew Remedios
“Where are you from?” A question that seems simple but can often be hard to answer. Matthew is a third-year student at UBC currently studying commerce. His experiences in learning Chinese has had a huge impact on his life, shaping his journey to find his identity. Listen to his story to hear what he has […]
Student Final Project

Creating Classical Chinese Poetry with Professor Bin Zheng
In the advanced-level courses CHIN 470, CHIN 471, and CHIN 473, students immerse themselves in the rich tradition of classical Chinese poetry. These courses, guided by Professor Bin Zheng, emphasize both the theoretical underpinnings and the creative processes behind crafting regulated verse and song lyrics, two major poetic forms in Chinese literature. Learning the Craft […]

2020 UBC CHIN143 & 243 Final Project Festival
CHIN143 and CHIN243 are Chinese language courses offered by UBC’s Asian Studies department. A series of classroom activities has encouraged heritage students to trace back the origins of their cultural identity, experience the diverse cultures surrounding them, explore their connection to the world, and define their unique identity. Today, students from both classes have presented their outstanding final projects. Please follow their footsteps and listen closely to what they want to say.

2018W T2 CHIN 463&473 Poetry Projects
在中华五千年的浩瀚的历史中,诗词就像是一颗璀璨的明珠,在文学艺术的星空中熠熠生辉,又像是一股升腾了千年的香气,在文学艺术的长廊上弥漫、缭绕。UBC文学课的同学们在为博大精深的诗词文化深深着迷的同时,也创作出了一些优美动人的诗词。今天就让我们一起鉴赏来自他们的优美诗词吧! In the 5,000-year history of China, poetry is like a dazzling pearl, shining in the starry sky of literature and art, and like a fragrance that has risen for thousands of years, permeating on the gallery of literature and art. While students of UBC’s Chinese Literature class were deeply fascinated by the profound Chinese […]

2019W T1 CHIN 131 Student Projects
This term in the CHIN 131 section of Qian Wang Laoshi, students have received an interesting out-class task, “Characters Everywhere”. This task aims to guide students to discover the deeper meaning beyond the Chinese characters that they daily encounter, and encourage students to relate the characters to their own experience. Let’s take a look at […]