Date: Tuesday, November 6th
Time: 5:00pm- 7:00pm
Location: Asian Centre, Auditorium
On Tuesday, November 6th, The Chinese Language Program hosted their termly Appreciation Party at the Asian Studies Auditorium. The party was brought together in thanking our Faculty members, Teaching Assistants (TA), Work Learns (WL), and volunteers for contributing their time and dedication to the program. The party also welcomed interested volunteers for the following term.
Before the start of the party, our WL and volunteers arrived early to set up the venue. As the doors of the auditorium opened, TAs, WLs, and volunteers came in to sign on the beautifully decorated appreciation board made by the TAs. The board was filled with photos of our volunteers working and thank-you sentences TA’s had to say to the volunteers.
The evening kicked off with a simple game to break the ice and gave a chance for everyone to mingle with one another. Musical chairs and Guess the Word were also played and various Department souvenirs were given out to lucky winners of the prize draw. After everyone had filled their bellies with an assortment of delicious sushi rolls, a ‘Thank You’ video made by one of the volunteers was played to look back on the volunteers’ invaluable contributions to the Program. Finally, award certificates were presented to outstanding volunteers who went above and beyond their roles.
全勤熟客奖 (口语练习服务最多时数或最佳者: 胡雨馨, 袁科, 刘主予
最佳救火员奖(临危受命,但总能及时完成任务): 唐毅文, 文粲
老母亲奖 (对工作最上心,最唠叨): 张萌
最神摄影奖(拍出好看照片): 张筱笛
To conclude the night, brave TAs, WLs and volunteers stepped forth and sung to their song of choice as the audience waved their flashlights and swayed to the sound of music. The Appreciation party was a very successful event. Huge thanks to all faculty members, TA’s, WL’s, and volunteers for coming and supporting the event.
To view more photos that were taken that day, please visit our facebook album below: