UCCS 2020 Coming Soon: 3-24 December 2020

UBC’s Chinese Language Program Presents:

Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies (UCCS)

December 3-24, 2020

UCCS website

The Chinese Language Program in the Department of Asian Studies, UBC, is pleased to announce that the Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies (UCCS) is to be held on Canvas from 3 to 24 December, 2020. A fledgling undergraduate forum at UBC, UCCS is an academic meeting devoted to planned programs of undergraduate research on a wide range of subjects related to the teaching and learning of Chinese Studies.

The 2020 online conference adopts the form of Vlog exhibition of video-taped presentations, to accommodate as much attendance as possible. The exhibition has garnered 30 presentations from the CHIN 450+ courses in the academic year of 2019-20, with topics ranging from classical Chinese literature, modern & contemporary Chinese literature, and contemporary Chinese films.

We are honored to announce Professor Christopher Rea (Professor of Modern Chinese Literature, UBC) as our Keynote Speaker, and Professor Kay Duffy (Assistant Professor of Premodern Sinitic Poetry, UBC) and Professor Renren Yang (Assistant Professor of Modern Chinese Popular Culture, UBC) as our Guest Speakers of UCCS 2020.

As the Canvas website serves as the main venue of the conference, an equivalent Vlog exhibition of all presentations will be made available on the UCCS website for public access.

We would like to warmly welcome you to UCCS 2020, engaging fully in the discussions with questions, challenges, and new ideas. Before the holidays shine in the season, we look forward to spending a joyful and rewarding time with you at the conference.


UBC中文项目将于2020年12月3日至24日在线举办 “中国文学暨电影研究”学术研讨会。届时,大会将在Canvas和官网同步展示优秀参赛作品。本次研讨会将采用微录(Vlog)模式,在线展示30位学员的演讲录像,并邀请您在观摩之余,前往评论区与作者交流互动。大会设有票选环节,供与会者投票选出三位“最佳学术演讲者”。UBC 中文项目诚挚欢迎各位同学、教师、学者、家长、以及爱好中国文学的朋友们光临此次大会。