One Wish, One Dish: 2021 Lunar New Year Celebration



Online Celebration Guidelines for Participants

           Lunar New Year is a time of celebration and a time to set our eyes toward the new year with good wishes and sentiments! As we welcome the year of the Ox, we are also welcoming a year of good fortune and hard work. The bright lights, the sounds, and the bustle of Lunar New Year festivities will look a little different this year. During quarantine, many have created their personal opportunities to get creative in their own homes. The Chinese Language program also invites you to get creative as we celebrate one of the biggest holidays in East Asia, “apart, but together!”


  • Friday, February 5th: Celebration begins! You can submit your photo and caption by completing the survey through this link
  • Friday, February 12th: Submissions close! We will be accepting submissions until 11:59pm PST
  • Friday, February 12th ~ Wednesday, February 17th: Submission posts begin! Please stay tuned as we continue to post outstanding submissions on our Instagram, Facebook, and website!
  • Saturday, February 13th ~ Tuesday, February 16th: Submissions Reviewed! You will be given bonus marks later if your submission is qualified. 


      • To share culture and have fun celebrating the Lunar New Year Festival
      • To encourage a sense of community and intercultural understanding in our online space
      • To give you an opportunity to share your creativity and what you have learned!
      • To apply language learning with intercultural awareness
    • What do you need to do?

1- Low level

(50+ characters)

2 – Intermediate level

(75+ characters)

3 – Advanced level

(100+ characters)

 Non-Heritage Language  CHIN131, 133, CHIN233 CHIN333, CHIN337 CHIN403, CHIN407
Heritage Language  CHIN143 CHIN243 CHIN343, CHIN347, CHIN437, CHIN443
 Literature  X X All Literature Courses



  • The celebration begins on Friday, February 5th. You can submit your photo and caption through this link. Below are the requirements for your submission. You can choose one of the following two options:

OPTION 1 – One Word:

    • PHOTO: 
      • Pick a character in Chinese that can summarize your wishes for 2021.
      • You can write or draw it in black on a red piece of diamond-shaped paper or alternatively, use digital programs such as Photoshop to do it. You can use our template (→ downloadable link) if you like.
    • CAPTION: 
      • Your caption should be a short description of what that word means to you and how you hope the word will bring good wishes in the new year of 2021 after the challenging previous year.
      • You can write your caption in simplified Chinese or traditional Chinese.
      • The number of words required is determined by what courses (see here) you are taking

1- Low level

(50+ characters)

2 – Intermediate level

(75+ characters)

3 – Advanced level

(100+ characters)

Character: 高 Gāo

An example paragraph from a low-level learner: 我爺爺年年都會做個”年糕” 給我吃. 聽起來這個”年糕” 聽到好像”年高.” 年年吃個年糕是爲了希望每年可以提高自己!

Character: 兴 Xīng/Xìng

An example paragraph from an intermediate-level learner: 兴,具有高兴、兴盛的意思。我想用这个字表达在新的一年里所有事情都能往好的方向发展。所有人也都能高高兴兴地迎接新的一年的到来。万物待兴,新的一年会更美好!

Character: 康 Kāng

An example paragraph from an advanced-level learner: 康,健康,丰足。在过去的一年里,我们的生活中出现了令人意想不到的相处方式,或许恐惧,或许担忧,但我们坚强,充满希望。在此,展望未来,心存希冀,我寄情于一个“康”字。在全新的2021,我们播下种子,生根发芽,愿所有的不幸都离我们远去,大家都能健健康康,互相拥抱,送上最美好的祝福,过一个康年。


OPTION 2 – Food:

    • PHOTO:
      • Instead of one word, pick a food dish that you think is significant to your culture and can encapsulate/represent your wishes for 2021. 
      • Please take an original photo!
    • CAPTION:
      • Provide a brief description of what makes the dish important to you and how it can symbolize wishes for the new year to come.
      • You can write your caption in simplified Chinese or traditional Chinese.
      • The number of words required is determined by what courses (see here) you are taking.
    • EXAMPLES: 

1- Low level

(50+ characters)

2 – Intermediate level

(75+ characters)

3 – Advanced level

(100+ characters)

Photo credit: Alpha

Tteokguk (Korean rice cake soup) 

年糕汤 Niángāo Tāng

An example paragraph from a low-level learner:


“廣東臘味煲仔飯” Guănddōng Làwèi Bāozăifàn

廣東話 laap6 mei2 bou1 zai2 faan6

An example paragraph from an intermediate-level learner


“火锅” Huǒguō 

An example paragraph from an advanced-level learner: 



Please click this link to submit your photo and caption by completing the survey before Friday, February 12th, 11:59pm PST. After filling in all the information, you should be able to see this page. Please submit your photo and caption there. Below is a screenshot showing where you can submit your work.

  1. Please be aware that your photo and caption might be featured on our Instagram, Facebook, and website so people can share your wishes and celebrate this special holiday with us! If you would like us to post your photo and caption anonymously, please state clearly in your submission.

  2. Bonus marks only apply to CHIN students.
  3. Please do NOT depict actual alcohol in the photo, i.e. bottles.
  4. Please do NOT depict any political and/or controversial figures, icons, etc. in your photo or caption.
  5. Please keep your photo PG-13! Inappropriate entries will be discarded.
  • Safety Protocol: 
    • Social gatherings are not recommended during the pandemic. 
    • Please be careful when you are cutting paper. 
    • Please be careful when you are cooking. 

*Note: By participating in this activity, you give the Chinese Language Program the right to use and/or post your image and caption on our social media, website, and newsletter, unless you state otherwise in your submission. 

If you have questions about the challenge, please feel free to contact us at






  • 时间
    • 周五,2月5日:投稿通道开放!你可以点击这个链接,通过完成问卷来提交你的照片和文字说明。
    • 周五,2月12日:投稿通道关闭!请于2月12日11:59PM PST前提交。
    • 周五,2月12日 – 周三,2月17日:展示时间!我们会将优秀的作品展示在我们的InstagramFacebook网站上,让大家一起分享祝福,庆祝新年!敬请关注!
    • 周六,2月13日 – 周二,2月16日:投稿审核时间!如果你的作品符合要求并通过审核,你将会获得Bonus marks
  • 你需要做什么?
    • 上传你的作品,你的作品包括:


      • 一张能表达你新年祝愿的图片,请选择以下两个选项中的一个作为你的图片内容
        1. 在一张红纸上写一个汉字,或者
        2. 一种来自任何国家/文化的食物
      • 一段关于你图片内容的文字说明。根据语言水平,字数要求分为三个等级,请按照你上的课程选择相应的等级。

1- Low level

初级 (50+个汉字)

2 – Intermediate level

中级 (75+ 个汉字)

3 – Advanced level

高级 (100+ 个汉字)

非华裔班 CHIN131, 133, CHIN233 CHIN333, CHIN337 CHIN403, CHIN407
华裔班 CHIN143 CHIN243 CHIN343, CHIN347, CHIN437, CHIN443
文学课 X X 所有文学课




选项1 – 一个字:

    • 图片:
      • 选择一个你觉得能总结你新年愿望的汉字
      • 你可以在一张色菱形的纸上手写下来,或者用其他方法,比如Photoshop等。你也可以选择使用我们的模版(点击下载
    • 文字说明:
      • 你的说明应该包含那个字对你的意义,同时,你是怎么通过那个字来表达你的新年愿望。
      • 你可以用简体或繁体中文。
      • 字数要求:请根据你正在上的课程选择相应字数要求(请看这里

选项2 – 一种食物

    • 图片:
      • 如果你不选一个字,你可以选择一种你觉得在你的文化里很重要的食物来表达你的新年愿望。
      • 请使用你本人原创的食物图片
    • 文字说明:
      • 你的文字说明应该包含这种食物对你的意义,同时,你是怎么通过这种食物来表达你的新年愿望的。
      • 你可以用简体或繁体中文。
      • 字数要求:请根据你正在上的课程选择相应字数要求(请看这里

请在2月12日(周五)11:59PM PST点击这个链接,通过完成问卷来上传你的作品(图片和文字说明)。

  1. 我们会将优秀的作品展示在我们的InstagramFacebook网站上,若你不想在展示中公开作者姓名,请在你的提交内容中具体说明。
  2. Bonus marks 只适用于CHIN学生。
  3. 作品上请勿出现任何酒精相关的内容,如酒瓶等。
  4. 作品上请勿出现任何有关政治的内容和有争议性的人物或者图标等。
  5. 请将作品保持在PG-13,不符合要求的投稿将会被取消参赛资格。
  • 安全事项
    • 疫情期间不提倡聚集
    • 剪裁红纸时请小心
    • 做食物的时候请小心

*注:参加此活动,即表示您授予中文项目(Chinese Language Program)在我们的社交媒体,网站和新闻中使用和/或发布您的图像和文字说明,除非您在提交的内容中另有说明。
