CHIN 415 Media Chinese I (Heritage)


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CHIN415 Media Chinese 是UBC中文项目开设的新课程,将在下学期2019 Winter Term 2与大家首次见面。四年级的中文课程旨在协助学生在专门的议题上发展中文听说、读、写四方面的沟通与表达能力,因此本课程的选课学生须具有基础的中文程度(在中国上过小学,但不超过6年级,或者在UBC CHIN347以上的水平)。本课程的设置非常适合中文已经具有一般沟通水平的华裔学生。我们希望学生能够通过对不同媒体的探索,进一步扩大中文应用圈,并能掌握中文社群的热门议题;我们不但将帮助学生扩展词汇量,也将加强学生对不同语境的掌握能力,进而提高听、说、读写各方面的语言能力。  


在这个媒体和数据化加速发展的时代,各类社交媒体的重要性不言而喻。而这门课程将通过应用不同类型的真实媒体素材,例如电视新闻、报章杂志、广告和影视作品,来介绍当代中国在社会、文化、政治、经济和环保等方面的重要内容。这些真实而生活化的媒体材料,可以让学生更加了解当下中国的时事和媒体。CHIN415将语言学习和媒体信息相结合,学生不仅可以学会获取新闻消息,对内容和数据进行分析,还能够借助已有信息,在各种各样的情景下灵活地运用汉语,例如政治话题的小组讨论和辩论,新闻媒体的口语复述和写作训练。除了课堂上的教学,CHIN415也设置了许多有趣的课外活动。我们计划和同学一起去参观加拿大本地的中文电台,观察并了解电视节目的制作方法。我们也邀请了电台DJ作为guest speaker,来为学生讲解录制节目的流程和细节。本课程将设置不同的课题,让学生在学习完理论知识后有实际应用的机会,例如学生将完成自己专属的节目。




CHIN 415 Media Chinese

CHIN415 is a new course that will be offered next semester for heritage Chinese students who have a basic knowledge of Chinese. There are certain requirements for students’ Chinese language proficiency to register for this course. For students who have received basic education in China, their Chinese language proficiency should not exceed the grade 6 level. For students who started learning Chinese at UBC, CHIN347 is the prerequisite. In this age of accelerated usage of media and the internet, the importance of social media of all kinds is self-evident. This course will introduce students to a range of significant social, cultural, political, and economic issues of contemporary Chinese-speaking societies through different types of media, such as films, TV shows, and advertisements. This course gives students opportunities to explore Chinese popular culture with realistic and authentic media content. These practices expand students’ vocabulary and grammar usages in applications to their daily listening, reading, and writing skills to further enhance the quality of their communication skills. 


CHIN415 combines language learning with media information. This course encourages  students to research for significant news, analyze the contents and data received, as well as to apply the Chinese language flexibly in various situations with the information they have obtained. For example, students learn to utilize this knowledge in group discussions of political topics and current events. Students who are interested in Chinese pop culture and media or want to improve their cultural literacy should not miss this course!


Written by: Ruixue Liu 刘瑞雪
Chinese editor: Alexandra Hu 胡艺涵
English editor: Jessica Chen 陈倩仪