2023 UBC Lantern Festival

Poetry Night




Poetry Night Event Duration: March 3rd – April 9th.
All CHIN 450+ Students for early submission(Feb 6th – Feb 26th)


All UBC students, faculty, and staff are welcome to participate and join us in celebrating! (starting from March 3rd when enrolment key is announced. Welcome to invite your friends!)



Early Submissions: 

Step 1: Please submit through CHIN 450+ Course Canvas > Assignment >  2023上元诗会作品征集 by 11:59 pm PST Sunday, Feb 26th

Step 2: Please submit your work again to the 2023 Lantern Festival Poetry Event on Catalog Canvas when enrolment key is announced (on Feb.27 via CHIN 450+ course Canvas). Please click here to see the instruction for Catalog Canvas registration and login. Monday Feb.27th to Friday Mar.3rd

For UBC students, please use your UBC CWL to register and log in to the Catalog Canvas via method 1/A
For participants outside UBC, please register the Catalog account and log in through method 2/B.

March 3rd – April 9th: Participate and Have Fun! 

Please stay tuned as we continue to post outstanding submissions on our Instagram, Facebook, and website!


Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

Submission start

2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10 2/11
2/12 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/16 2/17 2/18
2/19 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/25

Submission closed

2/27 2/28 3/1 3/2 3/3

Events and activities published on Canvas site



2023 UBC 上元诗会主题:重逢

从2019到2023,沉绵数载的疫情逐渐消减,人们终于能够“重逢”,与久别的亲人、挚友,与正常的工作、生活。这一次漫长的分别与隔绝,也许让我们感受到了从未有过的对重逢的期待和珍惜,也让我们重新定义与自我、与他人、与世界的关系。 “重逢”,于外,不仅是跨越障碍而与故人重逢,也是跨越障碍而结识新友;于内,不仅是与过去重逢、温故而时时知新,也是与进行中的经历重逢,在反思中成就智慧的增长。于内,于外,你有怎样的重逢故事,又有怎样的重逢期盼?期待着你在2023上元诗会中分享。


Theme of 2023 UBC Lantern Festival Poetry Event: Reunion

From 2019 to 2023, as the pandemic gradually eases, we are finally able to reconnect with long-separated family and friends, and return to normal work and life. This long period of separation and isolation may have made us feel an unprecedented longing and appreciation for reunion, and also made us redefine our relationships with ourselves, others, and the world. In terms of our relationships with others, “reunion” refers not only to surpassing distance and meeting with old friends again, but also to overcoming obstacles and making new friends. In terms of our relationship with ourselves, it means both reconnecting with the past and reflecting on ongoing experiences, thus achieving growth in wisdom. What kind of reunion stories do you have and what kind of reunions are you looking forward to? We invite you to share your stories at the 2023 UBC Lantern Festival Poetry Night. 



  • to appreciate the power inherent in both classical and contemporary poetry
  • To enjoy poems in various languages from different cultures
  • To have fun as we celebrate the Lantern Festival together
  • To foster a sense of community and intercultural understanding within our online space
  • To provide an opportunity to share your creativity and ideas
  • To embed intercultural awareness into our language learning curriculum


【Detailed Instructions】

To participate in early submission, please submit to

Step 1: CHIN 450+ Canvas > Assignment >  2023上元诗会作品征集

Step 2: 2023 Poetry Night Catalog Canvas site (stay tuned for the enrolment key)

To ensure you get bonus marks, please also fill out the form HERE. 

Types of Submission:

  • Photography, calligraphy, painting (submission in full-sized photos/pdf)
  • Video of chanting poems(classical or contemporary poems, 2-3 mins)
  • Videos of you singing or dancing (2-3 mins)
  • Creative videos (for example, sketch comedy, skit, creativity welcome!)
  • Original Poems 
  • Dubbing videos (poems related, guidance here)
  • Other creative videos made by individuals or groups (unlimited number of creators) 

* Please follow this format to name your submission:

CHIN course number + section number + Your name, e.g. CHIN473 001 李诗情+肖鹤云

Requirements:content related to poems, preferably related to the 2023 theme “Reunion 🎉

🏮 Participants may win a prize from the Poetry Night

🏮 Participants may receive bonus marks if they are enrolled in CHIN 450+ courses. Please find CLP bonus mark policies via this link.


【Important Reminders】

Submissions are due Sunday, February 26th, 11:59 pm PST!

Please be aware that:

  1. Your video might be featured on our Instagram, Facebook, and website. If you would like us to post your video anonymously, please clearly state it in your submission.
  2. Bonus marks only apply to CHIN students.
  3. Please do NOT depict actual alcohol in the video, i.e. bottles.
  4. Please do NOT depict any political and/or controversial figures, icons, etc. in your video.
  5. Please keep your photo PG-13! Inappropriate entries will be discarded.

NOTE: By participating in this activity, you give the Chinese Language Program the right to use and/or post your image and caption on our social media, website, and newsletter, unless you state otherwise in your submission.

    2022 上元诗会 promotion Video (Video to come soon)

If you have questions about the event, please feel free to contact us at poetrynightubc@gmail.com