2021 Virtual Mooncake Maker with Your Own Works

2021 云月饼烘焙计划


The Mid-Autumn Festival that symbolizes reunion is coming up very soon! 

In order to create an immersive experience of Mid-Autumn Festival culture and appreciate the gourmet charm of mooncakes, the UBC Chinese Language Program invites you to participate in the 2021 Virtual Mooncake Maker with Your Works Event! With your full imagination and creative thinking skills, let’s reunite online to celebrate this Mid-Autumn Festival by making virtual mooncakes! During the process of work submission, not only are students able to learn about Mid-Autumn Festival folklore and traditions but also receive a hand-drawn custom virtual mooncake. Moreover, students will also have the opportunity to share their wishes by setting off virtual Kongming lanterns and earn bonus marks for CHIN courses by meeting submission requirements.


September 20th (Monday): Submission begins! You can upload your submission by completing the survey through this link

September 27th (Monday): Submissions close! We will be accepting submissions until 11:59pm PDT

September 21st (Tuesday) ~ October 4th (Monday): Submission posts begin! Please stay tuned as we continue to post outstanding submissions on our Instagram, Facebook, website, and Padlet!

September 21st (Tuesday) ~ October 4th (Monday): Submissions Reviewed! You will be given bonus marks later if your submission qualifies. For event bonus mark policy, please refer to “2021W1 CHIN Program Co/Extra-Curricular Events and Event Bonus Marks”.



2021 Virtual Mooncake Maker with Your Own Works Event will be conducted online via Qualtrics. The objective of this event is to provide opportunities for students to learn about Chinese cultural traditions and practice Chinese writing skills, while reuniting online to celebrate the 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival.

What do you need to do?

  • You can choose one of the following two options:
  1. Text and Image
  2. Video


  • The celebration begins on September 20th (Monday). You can upload your submission through this link. Submission requirements are stated below. You can choose one of the following two options:

*Note: The submission survey is able to auto-save your progress as long as the same browser is utilized throughout the entire process.

OPTION 1 – Text and Image:

  • TEXT: 
    • Pick a topic:
      1. Topic 1: Please use at least two of the following keywords to create a story in simplified or traditional Chinese:
        1. Keywords: 吃 – eat、月饼 – mooncake、月亮 – the Moon、嫦娥 – Change’e、玉兔 – the rabbit、团圆 – reunion
      1. Topic 2: Write your Mid-Autumn best wishes in simplified or traditional Chinese to anyone you prefer. They can be your family, friends, classmates, laoshimen, etc.
    • The number of words required is determined by course level (see the table above).
  • IMAGE: 
    • In addition, please upload an original image to accompany your text. It can be a photo you took, a drawing, a photo of food, etc.
    • Size: There is no mandatory size limit, but it is recommended to use 1:1 (square) or 3:4 format.

Low level (20+ characters)

Advanced level (150+ characters)

For more examples, please see this Padlet.

OPTION 2 – Video:

  • Video:
    • Instead of the text and image option, you can also make a Mid-Autumn themed original video
    • Options include but aren’t limited to: singing, dancing, Mid-Autumn Festival vlog, poetry reciting, etc. Students have the option of collaborating with others to create a single video, but each student must complete, upload and submit their own survey in order to be eligible for bonus marks.
    • The required video length is determined by course level (see the table above).
    • Size: There is no mandatory size limit, but it is recommended to use 9:16 format.

*Note: Please include a Chinese introduction in your video if you are going to record yourself when you are dancing or playing the instruments. Please choose Chinese songs. It is strongly recommended to choose songs related to the Mid-Autumn Festival, such as 《水调歌头》《月亮代表我的心》《彩云追月》《私奔到月球》.


Please click the image to watch the video.

《字母趣谈月饼》 《中秋月饼记》

For more examples, please see this Padlet.

Optional Activity

1. Lantern Riddle: After completing the personal information portion of the survey, you will be transported to the world of lantern riddles to participate in this traditional Mid-Autumn Festival activity. Incorrect answers will not interfere with your chances for further submission or bonus marks.

2. Kongming Lantern: After completing the survey, students will be redirected to Padlet for an optional activity. This is a real-time updated site for students to share their works, custom mooncake images, as well as their Mid-Autumn wishes.


  • Please be aware that your submission might be featured on our Instagram, Facebook, Padlet, and website so people can share your wishes and celebrate this special festival with us! If you would like us to post your submission anonymously, please state it clearly in your submission.

  • Bonus marks only apply to CHIN students.
  • Please do NOT depict actual alcohol in the photo, i.e. bottles.
  • Please do NOT depict any political and/or controversial figures, icons, etc. in your photo or caption.
  • Please keep your photo PG-13! Inappropriate entries will be discarded.
  • Social gatherings are not recommended during the pandemic. 

*Note: By participating in this activity, you give the Chinese Language Program the right to use and/or post your image and caption on our social media, website, and newsletter, unless you state otherwise in your submission.

If you have questions about the challenge, please feel free to contact us at Chinese.event@ubc.ca.





9月27日(周一)投稿通道关闭!请于9月27日11:59PM PDT (温哥华时间) 前提交。

9月21日(周二) – 10月4日(周一)展示时间!我们会将优秀的作品及中秋祝福展示在我们的InstagramFacebookPadlet网站上,让大家一起分享喜悦、庆祝中秋!敬请关注!

9月21日(周二) – 10月4日(周一)投稿审核时间!如果你的作品符合要求并通过审核,你将会获得Bonus Marks。具体加分政策请参考《2021W1 CHIN Program Co/Extra-Curricular Events and Event Bonus Marks》。





  • 投稿通道将会在9月20日(周一)开放,点击此链接,通过填写问卷上传稿件。作品内容和格式请参考下方有关稿件的【具体要求】


  • 请选择其中一个选项创作你的作品。
  1. 短文+原创图片
  2. 原创视频



选项1: 短文 + 原创图片:

  • 短文:
    • 请选择一个主题,用繁体或简体字进行创作。
      • 选项1: 请选用以下至少两个关键字/词写一个小故事
        • 关键词:吃、月饼、月亮、嫦娥、玉兔、团圆
      • 选项2: 中秋祝福
        • 请写一段中秋祝福,对象可以是任何人,比如家人、朋友、同学、老师等
    • 字数要求(请参考上方表格):
      • 初级 >20字、中级 >100字、高级 >150字
  • 图片:
    • 形式不限,如摄影、绘画等,请上传本人原创图片
    • 尺寸:推荐使用正方形或3:4格式,但无强制尺寸限制
  • 例子:




选项2: 原创视频:

  • 视频:
    • 一个以中秋为主题的视频,内容不限,例如唱歌跳舞、中秋vlog、中秋诗朗诵等等。同学们可以合作拍摄视频,参与创作的每一位同学都要填写一份问卷,并分别上传作品
    • 视频长度要求(请参考上方表格):
      • 初级 >20秒、中级 >30秒、高级 >60秒
    • 视频尺寸要求:推荐使用9:16格式,但无强制尺寸限制
    • 投稿小提示:请注意,非文字类视频(如跳舞和乐器演奏等)需要有中文介绍哦!唱歌请选用华语歌曲,强烈推荐选取与中秋相关的歌曲,如:《水调歌头》《月亮代表我的心》《彩云追月》、《私奔到月球》等
  • 例子:
《字母趣谈月饼》 《中秋月饼记》



  • 猜灯谜:在上传作品问卷中完成个人信息填写之后,你将进入猜灯谜界面,参与这个中秋节传统活动。无论答对与否,都不会影响你后续的投稿过程和加分。
  • 孔明灯:这是一个通过Padlet实时展示作品和祝福的线上活动。完成投稿问卷填写后会自动链接到Padlet上。你可以通过该Padlet自愿上传作品或写上你的祝福。


  • 我们会将优秀的作品展示在我们的InstagramFacebookPadlet网站上,若你不想在展示中公开作者姓名,请在问卷中具体说明。

  • Bonus marks 只适用于正在上CHIN课程的学生。
  • 作品中请勿出现任何酒精相关的内容,如酒瓶等。
  • 作品中请勿出现任何与政治有关的内容和有争议性的人物或者图标等。
  • 请将作品保持在PG-13,不符合要求的投稿将会被取消加分资格。
  • 疫情期间不提倡聚集

*注:参加此活动,即表示您授予中文项目(Chinese Language Program)在我们的社交媒体,网站和新闻中使用和/或发布您的图像和文字说明,除非您在提交作品的过程中另有说明。
