Roaming Freely Among the Arts: An Invitation to UCCS 3MT 2023 Final Competition


📆 Event

📆 When

📍 Where 

UCCS 3MT 2023 Final Competition Friday, March 31st
3:00 – 5:00PM PST
UBC Nest
Great Hall (South of 2nd floor)
Vancouver Campus (Map)

We are delighted to invite you to the in-person final of the UBC Undergraduate Conference of Chinese Studies 3-Minute-Thesis Competition 2023, co-hosted by the UBC Student Association of Sinology and the Chinese Language Program in the Department of Asian Studies.

Join us from 15:00-17:00 on Friday, March 31, 2023, at the UBC Nest Great Hall, Vancouver Campus for an afternoon of inspiration, innovation, and exploration of Chinese literature and culture. This year’s conference theme, Roaming Freely Among the Arts, will challenge our students to reflect on the significance of the arts in promoting inclusion, reconciliation, civic engagement, individual freedom, and enthusiasm for exploration of the unknown.

We are excited to welcome 10 talented finalists who will present their 3-minute presentations on research topics ranging from classical Chinese literature to modern Chinese literature, and contemporary Chinese films. Our esteemed judges will assess the presentations, choose the winners, and present prizes at the end.

To kick off the event, we are honored to have Dr. Sharalyn Orbaugh, the Department Head and Professor of Modern Japanese Literature and Popular Culture, Asian Studies, UBC, who will deliver the opening remarks. Additionally, we are privileged to have Dr. Christopher Rea, Professor in Modern Chinese Literature, Asian Studies, UBC, who will deliver a Guest of Honour Speech.

We warmly invite you to be part of this exceptional event and witness the incredible talents of our undergraduate students. Come and support them as they showcase their research, share their ideas, and connect with their peers in the field.

We have some exciting additions to the event that are sure to entertain and delight the audience. In addition to the 3-Minute-Thesis Competition, we will treat attendees to a mesmerizing classical dance performance. And that’s not all! We’re also excited to announce a thrilling Kahoot game session where lucky audience members will receive mysterious and exciting gifts. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable event – join us and experience the excitement for yourself!

We look forward to your participation! Discover all the thrilling details of the event below!


💬 Opening Remarks


Dr. Sharalyn Orbaugh

Department Head, Professor of Modern Japanese Literature and Popular Culture, Asian Studies, UBC

💬 Guest of Honour Speech


Dr. Christopher Rea

Professor in Modern Chinese Literature, Asian Studies, UBC

🧮 Judges on Adjudication Committee


Dr. Christopher Rea

Professor in Modern Chinese Literature, Asian Studies, UBC


Dr. Bruce Rusk

Associate Professor in Pre-Modern and Early Modern China, Asian Studies, UBC


Dr. Helena Wu

Assistant Professor in Hong Kong Studies, Asian Studies, UBC


Dr. Renren Yang

Assistant Professor in Modern Chinese Popular Culture, Asian Studies, UBC


Ms. Rui Ding

Ph.D. Student, Asian Studies, UBC


Ms. Haoyue Li

Ph.D. Student, Asian Studies, UBC


Ms. Huizhi Wang

Ph.D. Student, Asian Studies, UBC

🏆 Prizes

The following winners will be selected by the Adjudication Committee using a 3MT judging rubric with two criteria: 1) communication & content and 2) engagement.

  1. One First Prize winner will receive a $200 CAD research grant, a gift, and a certificate
  2. Two Second Prize winners will each receive a $100 CAD research grant, a gift, and a certificate
  3. Three Third Prize winners will each receive a $50 CAD research grant, a gift, and a certificate
  4. Four People’s Choice winners will each receive a gift and a certificate

All winners will each receive a special gift, a copy of Where Research Begins, from Professor Christopher Rea.

💡 Top 10 Finalists

1. 陈瑾遥 / Jinyao Chen

演讲课题: “月移花影动,疑是玉人来”—— 关于“月亮”的中西比较文学意象研究

Presentation Title: “A Study of Literary Images of the Moon in Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultures”

2. 周一敏 / Charlotte Zhou & 李孔嘉 / Abigail Li

演讲课题: 论李清照《渔家傲》(天接云涛连晓雾)中“三山”一词的具体指代

Presentation Title: “On the Specific Referent of the Term ‘Three Mountains’ in Li Qingzhao’s Poem Fisherman’s Pride




3. 倪崧严 / Songyan Ni

演讲课题: 浅析电影《你好,李焕英》中的视听语言

Presentation Title: “A Brief Analysis of the Audiovisual Language in the Film Hi, Mom


4. 黄吟葭 / Yinjia Huang

演讲课题: 兰舟非舟?——浅析李清照《一剪梅》中“兰舟”所指

Presentation Title: “Is it a Boat or Not: A Study of the Referent of the Term ‘Orchid Boat’ in Li Qingzhao’s Poem A Twig of Plum Blossoms

5. 钱怡文 / Yiwen Qian

演讲课题: 女性悲剧与人性之美——浅析沈从文《边城》和张爱玲《倾城之恋》中的女性 形象

Presentation Title: “The Tragedy of Women and the Beauty of Humanity: An Analysis of Female Characters in Shen Congwen’s Border Town and Eileen Chang’s Love in a Fallen City

6. 曾楚雯 / Alisa Zeng

演讲课题: 庄子哲学思想在浪漫主义诗歌中的应用

Presentation Title: “Application of Zhuangzi’s Philosophical Views in Romantic Poetry”



7. 陈彦冰 / Yanbing Chen

演讲课题: 色彩与光影应用对女性反抗精神的体现——《大红灯笼高高挂》中颂莲的反抗

Presentation Title: “The Expression of Women’s Spirit of Resistance through the Application of Colors and Light: The Rebellion of Songlian in the Film Raise the Red Lantern

8. 董馨怡 / Xinyi Dong

演讲课题: 论戏曲在《霸王别姬》与《游园惊梦》中作用的异同

Presentation Title: “A Comparative Study on the Roles of Chinese Traditional Opera in Farewell My Concubine and Sweet Dream in the Garden

9. 杨菲飞 / Feifei Yang

演讲课题: 试论城市间的参差对照——《倾城之恋》中的上海和香港

Presentation Title: “An Analysis of the Contrast between Cities: Shanghai and Hong Kong in Love in a Fallen City

10. 杨景尧 / Jingyao Yang

演讲课题: 论李白《清平调(三首)》与白居易《长恨歌》中杨贵妃形象异同

Presentation Title: “A Comparative Study of the Image of Yang Guifei in Li Bo’s Qingping Tune and Bo Juyi’s Song of Everlasting Regret
